Nearshore Mexico Sourcing expects continuous growth in 2023 Back to blog

Nearshore Mexico Sourcing expects continuous growth in 2023

July 7, 2023

GUADALAJARA, JALISCO, April 8, 2023 - NEARSHORE MEXICO SOURCING (NMS),, a leading nearshoring firm, today announced that it has expanded its sourcing operations by 45% in just the last year alone, and 2023 is expected to be another year of strong growth as companies move operations out of Asia generally and China specifically, and back to Mexico.

From 2021 to 2022, NMS grew its sourcing operations by 45%. The most important sectors that Nearshore Mexico Sourcing serves are automotive, electro-mechanical, appliances, textile, toys, and consumer goods.

The company currently operates in the Mexican states of Jalisco, Nuevo Leon, Guanajuato, Chihuahua, Mexico City and Queretaro. It also manages over 20,000 square footage in contract manufacturing.

For 2023, the company expects continued growth. “The pandemic has accelerated the nearshoring trend in the last couple of years, and I am happy we have managed to help so many companies get off to a successful start in Mexico,” said Mr. Herrera, Business Partner at Nearshore Mexico Sourcing. “Not surprisingly, we are also seeing in Europe a growing interest with companies in moving production to Mexico in order to serve their American customers better. I am convinced we have many more years of strong growth in Mexican manufacturing ahead of us.”

The key drivers of Nearshore Mexico Sourcing's growth in the last few years have been American market growth, labor shortages in the U.S., geopolitical issues, and the reshuffling of many companies’ supply chains from Asia to North America.

“Manufacturers are fed up with dealing with the issues that come with manufacturing in China and other Asian countries,” said Mr. Herrera, ”COVID related lockdowns, expensive and strenuous transportation, intellectual property theft, and not to forget, fast raising wages in China … The list goes on and on. For many, Mexico is a much better place to manufacture.”

About The Nearshore Company

Founded in 2015, Nearshore Mexio Sourcing ("NMS") offers turnkey client operations in Mexico utilizing sourcing services, R&D, shelter services or contract manufacturing. NMS clients enjoy immediate transfer of operations and flexibility for any size, major reduction in production cost while remaining close and responsive to the North American customer base, foreign trade zones offer tariff advantages and reduced paperwork, lower distribution costs, proven professional and hourly employment base, economic growth, and attractive labor costs.


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